Whether you're staying over a friend's or relative's house this holiday, being a gracious guest can make all the difference to how pleasant your stay will be. These tips should help make the short visit a smooth one.

1) Show up on time.

Barring any travel hitches, you should arrive within thirty minutes of the dinner or party. It's rude to arrive too late as it can throw off your host's schedule. However, it's also not a good idea to arrive very early, not unless you've called your host ahead of time to indicate this.

2) Bring a gift.

The gifts don't have to be expensive and top choices include wine, flowers and special food items like condiments, jams or fancy nuts, according to Emily Post.

3) Help around the house.

If you're staying for more than a couple days, pull your weight and share in the load of housework. Your host might say "no," but at least you've offered your services. Incidentally, don't be quick to assume you can use the appliances like the washing machine, according to DeBretts. Always check with your host first.

4) Make proper arrangements with your host if you're bringing the kids.

If you're staying over a friend's house with your children, be sure to discuss this with your host so that they too can prepare for what you'll need, especially with babies. If the kids are old enough, instruct them on how to behave at someone's house. And never make your hosts the babysitters.

5) Sleep and wake up at the same time as your host.

Follow in their routines since you're the guest. If they wake up to have breakfast at 7 a.m., be down in the kitchen or dining room dressed and ready at this time too, according to Elle Decor.

6) Fix the room before your leave and say thanks.

When you're ready to depart, make sure to neatly fold up the sheets, blankets and pillow cases and leave them by the bed. Leave a thank you note or mail one to them as soon as you're back home, according to Etiquette New York.