Cats are everywhere and Turkey is no exception. So while the citizens of Turkey weren't the least bit surprised when this trio of curious stray tabby cats wandered around on the G-20 Summit stage on Sunday, the rest of the world was, according to Global News. Stray cats tend to be on the peripheral areas, but this bold group climbed right on stage to check it out.

So during the live feed of the reception stage in Turkey, the film was able to capture the cats as they wandered around, seeing what's up, sniffing the flowers and checking out what the big deal was, according to the Guardian.

With world leaders from 20 major economies gathering for this year's tenth annual summit, the cats scampered around just moments before the leaders' arrival scared them off, according to the New York Post. The cats were wide-eyed, and did not want to miss a thing, sending out meows, perhaps to call out to other cats to join them on stage.

Turkey is known for their stray cats, even nicknamed by the Wall Street Journal as "Catstantinople."