Warning: The following contains possible spoilers for "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" and "Wonder Woman."

Zack Snyder's "Man of Steel" was technically the first entry into the DC Extended Universe, but next year's "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" is the true launching pad. Not only will it introduce a slew of new and vital characters to the DCEU, but it will also directly set up a handful of other films including "Suicide Squad," the potential solo Batman flick and even "Wonder Woman."

Heroic Hollywood is reporting that Ares, the god of war, will be the villain pulling the strings from the background in "Wonder Woman," kind of like Palpatine in the "Star Wars" movies. The primary antagonist will be sorceress Circe. According to the outlet, Ares tries to orchestrate World War III with Circe because he feeds off of death and destruction. He also is after a powerful Amazonian sword that is securely protected on Themyscira (Paradise Island).

At the conclusion of the film, Circe is beaten but the sword disappears. This leads to Diana Prince - Wonder Woman's secret identity - searching for the sword in "Batman V Superman."

"Wonder Woman" is expected to take place in two distinct time periods which is why her character will be introduced in "Dawn of Justice" and given a sort-of prequel origin in her own solo film a year later. Apparently, Ben Affleck's Batman is also searching for the sword which is why he might have a cameo in "Wonder Woman." WB is also so smitten with Affleck's Caped Crusader that they are reportedly making him the connective tissue of the DCEU, which means he could be popping up in even more films down the line.

What do you think, movie fans? Are you excited for the "Wonder Woman" solo film? Let us know in the comments below.