If you’ve been watching “Once Upon a Time” then you’ve come to know Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) as the remarkably clever boy with a devious side to him and the ability to make grown men cry. However, according to a recent interview show creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis did with TVGuide.com, there may be more to their villain than you realize.

“For us, our characters are all looking for a happy ending. They're all looking for love; it's just what choices do you use to get them,” Kitsis explains. “Some people are OK playing hardball. Some people want to do it the right way. Peter Pan is an interesting story.”

“Evil isn't born; it's made,” adds Horowitz. “That applies to all of the villains, including Peter Pan.”

Is it possible that someone is responsible for turning pan into the way he is? If so, I think our heroes would like to have a very stern conversation with that person because he has created a major headache for Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and her team.

The co-creators also discussed how Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) plans to get out of Pan's clutches.

“Henry [has], as we've seen over the years, been a very resourceful, independent boy who is now going to be thrown into a situation where that will not only be tested — he's going to have to deal with running away and trying to escape — but now dealing with a psychological test. Pan, as we've seen, likes to mess with your head,” said Horowitz. “What's going to happen when Henry is face-to-face with the ultimate manipulator?”

In last week’s episode Pan promised Emma would leave the Neverland an orphan (you can see the clip below that which was also posted on ABC.com). He has already succeeded in hurting her father Prince Charming/David (Josh Dallas). Will his devious target Snow White/Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) next? Pan is a complicated character. It should be fun to see his methods and motives unfold.

You can read the full interview here.

“Once Upon a Time” airs Sundays at 8/7c on ABC.

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