Creating a profile for a dating website or app (like Tinder) may seem simple, but the world of online dating is a very complex one. It's become an intricate game of packaging yourself in such a way that you end up attracting a potential date. After all, thousands of people have already met for casual dates, developed a relationship, and even gotten married and started a family based on an online introduction, reported AskMen.

Here are five tips to make your profile much more attractive in order to turn that virtual match into a real-life date.

1. Create a profile with a goal in mind.
Are you looking for a casual hookup? What about a serious relationship? Be clear about the type of relationship you are seeking, then create a profile with that in mind.

2. Show, don't tell.
Instead of stating the usual things like, "I'm a funny guy," write something funny in your profile. Also, avoid statements like "must be down for a good time" or "must be adventurous." You definitely do not want to come off as bossy this early on, according to the Huffington Post.

3. Action shots work as great profile pictures.
Smiling directly at the camera and the dreaded selfie have actually gotten quite cliché. Shots of you doing something you enjoy, like playing pool or cooking, work really well.

4. Converse in texts as you would in real life.
Once matched with a probable date, do not send them messages using text language. It may be cute when teenagers are involved, but saying "ur hot" is definitely not something a real man would say.

5. Don't play games.
If you're not into someone, do tell them. There is only one thing that is certain when people play games in relationships: there will never be a winner. Thus, don't do it. Just don't.

Just remember to put your best foot forward once you and your date meet in person!

Learn the "Three Reasons Behind Men's Insecurities" by clicking HERE.