A 911 dispatcher in Idaho was accidentally called by a man from Portland, Oregon and eventually realized that a drug deal was happening on the other end of the line. The call made it easy for authorities to locate the man, since he was unaware that he had called the police.

Lawan Sanders, 38, was in the middle of an ongoing deal with two people when he accidentally dialed the authorities. He was charged with possession and intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance and in trafficking cocaine more than 28 grams but less than 200 grams, according to the Post Register.

Sanders and his girlfriend Charity Fournier were booked into Bonneville County Jail on Sept. 30, and have posted a $50,000 bond each. They will have a preliminary hearing on Oct. 23, according to the Associated Press.

The authorities also investigated the two people involved in the deal. One of the other men was carrying marijuana on his person, and there was a prescription marijuana stash found in his car. The two men from Shelley were with Sanders because he told them he was going sell marijuana to them in his Shilo Inn hotel room, where he stays with his girlfriend. Police searched the room and found half a pound of marijuana and other drugs, including 2.6 grams of cocaine and eight grams of methamphetamine, according to Buzzfeed.