Despite recent incidents of mass shootings and a number of prominent politicians pledging for stricter gun control laws in 2015, the stocks of gun manufacturers are continuing to rise. In fact, prominent gun manufacturers Smith & Wesson and Sturm Ruger rank among the best investments in 2015, according to Breitbart.

The stocks of the two gun companies have skyrocketed this year, with Smith & Wesson stock prices surging 80 percent. If the company was part of the S&P 500, Smith & Wesson would be the second best performer this year, only topped by Netflix.

Smith & Wesson's rival, Sturm Ruger, does not lag far behind as the gunmaker's stocks have also surged to almost 70 percent in 2015 alone.

Sturm Ruger is reported to have about half a billion gun sales per year, which is roughly double the company's sales in 2010. Smith & Wesson is on track for over $600 million in sales this year, translating to a 50 percent improvement from its overall 2010 profits, reports KSL News.

The performance of the two gunmakers is quite extraordinary this year, as most notable stocks have recently dropped significantly. Apple, by far one of the most notable and profitable companies in America, is not even positive for the year.

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