A new technique has been developed that uses blood to perk up women's bosoms, giving them a fuller and plumper look without invasive plastic surgery, according to the Daily Mail.

Dr. Charles Runels became famous after his bloody facial treatments for wrinkles and aging were shown off by celebs like Kim Kardashian.

Similar to his other treatment, the vampire facelift takes blood from the arm, which is then put in a centrifuge to "separate platelets from red blood cells, combining those platelets with hyaluronic acid fillers, according to the Medical Daily.

The altered blood mixture is then injected into the beast tissue, for fuller, and even more sensitive breasts.

The $1,800 treatment usually lasts for about one or two years, but some have said that their results seem to be permanent, according to the Metro.

However, the doctor warns that the treatment is not for everyone.

"The procedure is not for women who are elderly or even younger women with very pendulous breasts," said Runels. "But it does do miracles for women who have lost sensation after breast implants, and for women who have still a nice shape but the implants are 5-10 years old and there's some shortage of tissue so that there's not quite the beautiful contour that'd you'd see without implants in a younger breast."