Apple has released the latest Golden Master (GM) build of OS X Mavericks to all registered developers and will release the same version to all customers before the end of this month.

Apple Inc., world's leading mobile making company, issued a GM build of its latest OS X Mavericks to all its registered developers. The GM build suggests OS X Mavericks is in its complete form and the same version will be released to all customers later this month. Alongside OS X 10.9, Apple also released updated iPhoto and GM build of Xcode5.0.1.

Apple officially announced OS X Mavericks next to the iOS7 unveiling at the Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June. Like the iOS7 mobile operating system, OS X Mavericks features several improvements. The updated OS is mostly focused toward power users.

The OS X 10.9, otherwise known as Mavericks, includes an improved Finder that organizes files more efficiently, Activity Monitor that observes energy consuming apps and App Nap to automatically save energy by setting off apps when possible. This improves the battery life on a Mac running the latest OS X.

Furthermore, the OS X debuts the GM build of Xcode5.0.1, which was released with iOS7 last month. XCode is essential for building OS X apps that will be submitted to the Mac App Store. The updated OS includes faster Safari browser, Map Kit, Newsstand and iBooks apps as well as a new Calendar application. It includes advanced Notification Center and improved multiple-monitor support.

Earlier reports suggested that Apple would release the OS X at the launch event in September, but following the delay it would be likely released alongside new Retina MacBook Pro devices. Since Apple releases its yearly OS updates after declaring its quarterly earnings, it would be fair to assume that the new OS will be released to customers after declaring its Q45 earnings in the second half of October.

The GM builds of OS X Mavericks and XCode 5.0.1 are available at Mac Dev Center.