Facebook has found a new way to show all its 1.2 billion active members in one browsable, zoomable webpage designed by Natalia Rojas.

If it has to be summed up, it's truly innovative. The Faces of Facebook is an app designed by a self-dubbed creative technologist Natalia Rojas, who brought together each and every member of the world's most popular social network in one place that even includes founder Mark Zuckerberg as Face#1, of course.

Well, at first the welcome page for the app looks like your screen got interfered, but that is not the case. Each Facebook member's profile is represented by a tiny dot. After all, Rojas had to fit all those 1.2 billion+ members in one screen. She succeeded and also made the webpage browsable. The number of Facebook members is growing quicker than a clock's seconds.

Users can zoom into the page that will display thumbnails of the faces of the Facebook. Clicking on any random profile picture opens up their profile page in another tab. But most importantly, you can find your own profile among the billion other members by connecting to Facebook from the top right hand side of the page. Once located, the page also shows all your Facebook friends and their "Face#". Friends profiles will be highlighted as white dots and your own profile will be black one pinned on the page, like the screenshot shows below.

All profiles are arranged in a chronological order and hence, those who joined the social network later will appear under those who joined earlier. For those who might be concerned about the privacy risks, Rojas assures that the site does not store any information, picture, or names for that matter.

"We've just found a harmless way to show 1,277,974,015 Facebook profile pictures and organize them in chronological order," she said in app's information section.

Find out what is your Face# and share it with your friends by visiting "The Faces of Facebook" app here.