Breaking Bad ended on Sunday night, forcing fans to say goodbye to the characters and story that they've grown to love over the series' 5 season run. However, before Walter White finished his story on television, Aaron Paul's character, Jesse Pinkman, made his way to the set of SNL.

Joining Tina Fey for a cameo for the show's 39 season premiere. During the cold opener, the Breaking Bad star popped up alongside Jay Pharaoh's Barack Obama character in a sketch about Obamacare. The premise was Obama trying to use regular American's healthcare stories to convince the public to be in favor of his controversial new healthcare system. Among the cavalcade of disaster stories was Pinkman who explained that he had a friend who got cancer.

"I had this friend and he got sick. Like, cancer sick. But because there wasn't Obamacare, he couldn't afford treatments. So he was like, backed into a corner," the 34-year-old actor said during the skit. "So he did what any of us would have done. He started cooking meth and soon it wasn't just meth. It was murder. Not regular murder. Like, he blew half a guy's face off."

Paul was explaining the plot of the popular AMC drama. The sick friend was a reference to Bryan Cranston's Walter White character, who kicks off the show by cooking meth in order to make money to give to his family after his cancer finally gets the best of him.

Phraroh's Obama character was not pleased with the example and quickly ushered Paul to stop his story.

"Wait," Paul said. "You don't want to know what happened to my friend?"

"No!" Obama replied quickly, along with several other people who were on stage to give it the look of a presidential speech. The refusal worked in two ways. One, it stopped him from telling an inappropriate story. It also stopped him from spoiling "what happened" to Walter White, before the show's finale the following night.