An artist working on a community art piece promoting anti-violence in an Oakland, Calif. community was fatally shot as he worked under a freeway overpass.

While police have yet to identify the artist, friends say his name is Antonio Ramos, a painter who worked on a mural project led by the Attitudinal Healing Connection, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The 4,000-square-foot mural project was conceptualized by middle school students in West Oakland who re-imagined themselves as superheroes to help solve issues in their communities.

Oakland police report a gunman opened fire around 10:30 a.m. Tuesday under the Interstate 580 overpass, according to SF Gate. Ramos was found by police when they arrived on the scene after receiving a report about shots fired in the area.

He was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The mural he was working on is the third part of a larger six part project by the Oakland Super Heroes Mural Project, a community effort aimed at eradicating violence by educating and engaging Oakland youth through art.

"In the midst of beautifying the community with youth messages of hope and love, this horrific tragedy happens," members of the project said Tuesday on Facebook.

The group said the shooting is another instance of the gun violence that continues to plague their communities. In light of the incident, the group urged the community to stand up and speak out against violence.

The group plans to commemorate Ramos by continuing to work on the mural. 

Ramos' friends have created a YouCaring account to help his family pay for funeral costs.

Police are investigating the incident, and no arrests have been made.