While serving a 33-year sentence for armed robbery in Nevada's Lovelock Correctional Center after a plan to steal back some of his memorabilia went awry O.J. Simpson once again proved that he was unable to plan a successful robbery; the former Heisman Trophy winner was caught trying to steal cookies from the prison cafeteria, according to the Huffington Post.

The 66-year-old Simpson was stopped by a prison guard who saw him trying to sneak by with something under his shirt as he was leaving the mess hall, a source told the National Enquirer.

"Everyone thought he had smuggled in a cell phone or some other kind of contraband, so when the guard started pulling cookies out of O.J.'s shirt, the other inmates started laughing so hard they nearly fell over," the source told the National Enquirer. "O.J. just stood there with a goofy grin on his face as the guard kept digging inside his shirt and throwing the cookies on the floor."

The guard may have been looking out for his own good since Simpson is reportedly weighing in at close to 300 pounds these days and suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, according to Fox.

"The temptation of the cookies in the prison chow line was too much for him," the source said. "O.J. has been trying to diet since the doctors talked to him, but he loves sweets, and after a few weeks he couldn't take it anymore."

Simpson was recently rewarded parole on some of the charges that he was convicted of in the 2007 incident but other convictions have kept him in prison for at least four more years, according to Fox.

Lawyers representing Simpson have been trying to get his conviction overturned amid accusations that his previous legal team had a conflict of interest and were not working in Simpson's best interest when he was convicted; they are hoping to be able to have a retrial during which they expect Simpson to be acquitted, according to the Associated Press.