Selma Cohen isn't dead. That's the first thing you should know about this feisty 87-year-old who received a letter from Medicaid on Sept. 19, declaring her as no longer among the living. Officially, Cohen has already been declared dead, the Inquisitr confirmed.

"I said, 'It must be wrong,' " Cohen said. "Maybe it's a joke or something."

After calling Medicaid, Cohen was told the matter was due to a computer error and that it could take a few weeks to fix.

Cohen then spent a few days waiting in lines and making calls in order to straighten out the whole mess, according to Canada Journal. That was no small inconvenience for a woman who hss survived thyroid cancer and takes 14 medications daily.

But all is well that ends well. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) helped Ms. Cohen get ger Medicaid benefits reinstated on Monday, and Cohen will be reimbursed for the troubles she experienced while "offically but mistakenly dead."

Gillibrand's office got the error straightened out after seeing a news report about Cohen.

"We're grateful to the news team for highlighting this case so we can make sure Ms. Cohen receives the services she needs," Gillibrand's office said in a statement.

"I'm grateful," said Cohen on Monday, according to CBS New York.