The finale for season six of MTV's "Teen Mom 2" ended on a bittersweet note as relationships ended and problems that were introduced in the beginning of the season still remained unsolved at the end. Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer are still dealing with custody battles for their children, while Kailyn Lowry decided to take her ex-boyfriend Jo Rivera to court over child support. Chelsea Houska was the only one to get her happy ending after her boyfriend Cole DeBoer moved in with her.

Jenelle Evans' relationship with ex-fiancé Nathan Griffith ended after each of them had criminal domestic violence charges placed against them. Evans said that she's planning to move forward without Griffith and focus her attention on the custody battle with her mother Barbara.

Barbara and Jenelle still can't come to an agreement over who should have full custody of her son, 5-year-old Jace, but the mother and daughter duo were able to at least have a civil conversation about it.

"I never took him away from you because I wanted to, it was just something that had to be," Barbara told Jenelle. "So we just gotta move in the future and work together as a team."

Kailyn Lowry and her husband Javi Marroquin settled their relationship earlier in the season after what seemed like constant fighting. But as things cooled down with her husband, things heated up between Lowry and her ex-boyfriend Jo Rivera, with whom she shares her 5-year-old son Isaac. During a discussion about Rivera missing out on two important events in Isaac's life, Rivera lashed out at Lowry and the conversation quickly escalated to yelling and cursing on Rivera's end. Lowry realized that discussing the issue of increasing Rivera's child support payments would also result in a fight, so she decided that it would be best to take Rivera to court.

Despite fighting with her ex, Lowry didn't let it get in the way of her future plans with her husband and reaching her goal of graduating from college.

"I can't wait," Lowry told Marroquin. "We still have to figure stuff out with Jo, I have a full semester of classes next semester. And then I'm one more step closer to being done."

Leah Messer returned from a 30-day intensive therapy program to help her deal with her depression and anxiety after her second ex-husband Jeremy Calvert filed for divorce. Messer explained how excited she was to use the tools she learned in therapy in her every day life back at home as she navigates being a single mother to three young girls. She even attempted to talk things over with her first ex-husband Corey Simms, whom she shares twin daughters Ali and Aleeah. Simms and Messer were engaged in a custody battle earlier in the season over the girls, and Simms told his father that he might take Messer to court again.

Messer asked Simms if he would meet with her to talk things out but requested that his wife, Miranda, stay home so they could have a one-on-one discussion. Last time Messer attempted to talk to both of them together, she said that she felt she was being attacked. But Miranda showed up to the coffee shop anyway, and Messer drove away when she realized Simms did not respect her wishes.

"I'm not doing the convo if Miranda's there," Messer said as she pulled out of her parking spot. "If he can't talk to me for our children then I'm not doing it. I'm not going to be put in another situation where I'm ganged up on."

Chelsea Houska started out the season involved in a particularly vicious custody battle with her ex-boyfriend Adam Lind, with whom she shares 5-year-old daughter Aubree. But after a judged ruled in Houska's favor, she was able to dedicate more time to her relationship with her boyfriend, Cole DeBoer. The couple took their relationship to the next step when Houska asked DeBoer to move in with her and her daughter.

"You know how happy she probably is?" Houska asked DeBoer as Aubree jumped in his lap.

"Because you're staying here forever!" little Aubree said.

Watch a clip from the episode below.