Donald Trump, who has been dominating the polls in the GOP race, has continued to garner attention with his performance at the 2nd GOP debate in the Reagan Library in California. 

Trump was even a big topic of discussion in the undercard debate with Jindall, Graham, Santorum, and Pataki. During the main event, Trump met opposition with other candidates like Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul. 

"Let's stop treating Donald Trump like a Republican," Jindal said. "He's not a conservative. . . . He believes in Donald Trump," Jindall stated according to Google News.

This was not the only time that Trump was spoken of during a debate he was not a part of. Trump's immigration policy has especially gotten attention, and many candidates were questioned about whether they support his ideas. These include mass deportation, eliminating birthright citizenship, and building a wall between the United States and Mexico - making Mexico pay for its construction. 

Carly Fiorina, a former CEO of Hewlett Packard, was not at the first debate in August, but grabbed attention Wednesday night by calling out Trump on some of his policies and ideas.

"You ran up mountains of debt, as well as losses, using other people's money. Why should we trust you to manage the finances of this nation," Fiorina said, according to The Washington Post.

This questioning Trump's handling of money was a major part of Fiorina's attack on Trump because of how well Trump claims he manages money. She also suggested that Trump's critique of her physical appearance was not only inappropriate but unwarranted.

"Fiorina, the only woman on the stage, said, every woman heard Trump's comment 'very clearly,' and that it was obviously about looks" according to USA Today.

Bush was also a big competitor of Trump - who he stood alongside during the debate. The two have been going back and forth, defaming each other though political commercials. In these, Trump has spoken about Columba Bush, Jeb's wife, regarding her citizenship and Spanish speaking in the United States.

"At another point, Bush pressed Trump to apologize for comments he has made about Bush's Mexican-born wife. Trump refused and called Bush 'weak on immigration'" according to US News.

Trump is still trending on popular news and social media sites, but others like Carly Fiorina are being spoken about a lot as well. With these Republican candidates going head to head it is anyone's guess who will be the Republican candidate for the 2016 presidential election.