With all of the world building going on in superhero films these days, it's no surprise to see 20th Century Fox turning its "X-Men" franchise into a new cinematic universe. "First Class" and "Days of Future Past" were "Avengers" style team-up films, while Wolverine will have appeared in three solo flicks when all is said and done. Further expanding the X-Universe will be next year's "Deadpool" and "Gambit" standalone movies.

Those involved with the X-Men movies have confirmed that these spinoffs will all take place in the same canon, though it's been unclear if the film's characters even know about one another. However, now comes word that these mutant protagonists will actually be interacting with each other down the line.

Executive producer Simon Kinberg spoke to MTV about the "X-Men" timeline following "Days of Future Past," and revealed that a crossover for a handful of Fox's comic book properties is in the works.

"So the Gambit movie, the Deadpool movie will exist in a world that acknowledges whatever happened in Days of Future Past and moving forward. Doesn't mean they'll always interact with those characters, obviously, it's not like every movie has all the characters, but they all have to exist within the same rules. There will be interplay between different characters in different movies."

Kinberg went on to say that Fox is planning to "cross-pollinate" the aforementioned characters in the future.

Next year's "X-Men: Apocalypse" is already expected to sport the most mutants in a single movie, though Channing Tatum's Gambit and Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool will not be present. But if both spinoffs are received well, it's hard not to believe they'll eventually find their way into an X-Men storyline.

Hugh Jackman will hang up his claws following 2017's untitled third Wolverine film, but Fox is already planning a "New Mutants" feature to pick up the slack. The studio has also kicked around the idea of an "X-Force" film. Both movies would help introduce new characters and further expand the rosters and story lines of the shared cinematic universe Fox is building.

What do you think, movie fans? Do you want to see a crossover with all of these characters? Let us know in the comments section below!