The GTA V publishers are thrilled with the record breaking sales of the game on the launch date itself. GTA V, released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 Tuesday, has earned more than $800 million in the first 24 hours, according to the U.S. based game publisher, Take-Two Interactive.

"All of us at Take-Two are thrilled with the initial response to Grand Theft Auto V. Once again, the team at Rockstar Games have outdone themselves, setting the entertainment industry's new standard for creativity, innovation, and excellence," said Strauss Zelnick, the CEO and chairman for Take-Two in a statement, reports Gamespot.

In fact, the game has topped the U.K. charter as well generating a revenue around $105 million with 1.57 million units sold on the very first day. Gfk Chart Track that maintains the weekly data on the games published across various platforms in the U.K. has cited GTA V to be one of the biggest video game launches for the country. The game has slashed the records of Call Of Duty Ghosts Black Ops II, one of highest rated games ever with earnings of  $500 million in the first 24 hours in November 2010.

The game developer for GTA V, Rockstar North, is expecting a handsome amount of $1 billion in the very first month going by the gaming blog gameindustrybiz.. Since its launch, the game has received a grand welcome from the players and reviewers owing to its three protagonists and better hands on the controller that facilitates an easy switch-over between the three characters. Also the eye soothing visuals, the more challenging open world gaming and great scope of customization of the vehicles has contributed to the grand success of the game.

According to a recent post on the Huffington Post, reviewers who have criticized the game for its  'unnecessary excessive cruelty' have also scored the game 9/9.5 out of 10.

Gamers shared their excitement about playing the game on Twitter.

Can't wait to get home and spend rest of my day killing strippers #gta5

- Jae Curtis (@JaeCurtis) September 18, 2013

Another user Kim Dotcom tweeted,

Isn't it nice when a game welcomes you like this? #GTA5 ;-)

- Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) September 18, 2013.