Markieff Morris continues to believe his future basketball is going to played anywhere other than the Phoenix Suns. The Suns have virtually no reason to trade Morris as he has a four year contract about to kick in but he did demand a trade and could be a distraction to the locker room for this upcoming season. That trade demand Morris made has reportedly gotten him in a bit of trouble though as it is being reported that the NBA is fining Morris for publicly demanding a trade, according to Marc Stein of ESPN.

The fine levied against Morris is reportedly $10,000 and it is because he demanded the trade publicly. Players are allowed to go to their teams or agents directly with a trade demand and that is okay but once they demand a trade publicly that is a violation of league rules and allows the NBA to fine them. The NBA has reportedly been fining players for publicly demanding trades since the 2005-06 season.

Morris has really made a mess of this situation and it has really made him look bad as this all started over the Suns trading his brother Marcus to the Detroit Pistons. Morris claims that he is fine with not playing alongside his brother but he just felt disrespected that the Suns didn't let him know his brother was going to be traded. Most star players in the NBA usually don't get told when a teammate is being traded and while Morris is a good player he is nowhere near a star.

As mentioned earlier Morris is a very good NBA player but this offseason he has made himself look about as bad as he possibly could to the point that he may have too much baggage for a team to consider trading for him. Morris is expected to be in training camp with the Suns which should make for quite an awkward situation. This reported $10,000 fine is just the latest in this ongoing saga between Markieff and the Suns and there appears to be no end in sight.