The West Point Military Academy had its annual pillow fight for freshmen cadets on Aug. 20, but this year's fight was anything but soft, after dozens of the students suffered concussions as a result of the massive brawl, according to USA Today.

Of the 30 cadets that were injured, 24 had concussions, leading many to assume that some of the cadets may have loaded their pillows with the very helmets they were supposed to be wearing for protection.

Pictures of bloody noses and pillow fighting cadets went viral, and videos of the event clearly show some of the cadets taking part without any type of protection.

Some of the students said that there was also a case of a broken bone and a dislocated shoulder, as well as one student being taken away in an ambulance, The New York Times reported. However, academy officials are saying that all the students have returned and are back to their usual routines.

Lt. Col. Christopher Kasker said that the annual event is only in place to help build camaraderie among the cadets and acts as a type of reward for their hard work during summer training, according to Fox News.

Kasker added that there are currently no plans to stop the annual brawl.