Holy cuteness Batman! Meet Stinkers (formerly Snickers, but renamed as she tends to be a tad pungent), a 5-year-old porcupine rescued by the Alaskan Wildlife Conservation Center, according to White Wolf Pack. Stinkers had been kept as a pet prior, which explains the confusion, as this adorable little girl thinks she is a puppy! Watch the video and judge for yourself; porcupine-like, or does she seem more like a puppy when she rolls over to beg the handler to give her belly rubs? Belly rubs! A porcupine! And of course they oblige the cutie.

In this video, Stinkers jumps up and down brat-style, spins in silly attention-grabbing circles, all the while just wanting attention from the handler and winning her over (you can hear her say it on the video) with her silly puppyesque behavior.

"We in no way condone keeping wild animals as pets, and honestly, judging by the large gloves handlers have to use to pet Stinkers, we can't understand why anyone would want a porcupine as a pet," HuffPost Green said, reporting on Stinkers. However, they do go on to say that Stinkers is certainly like no other porcupine, something we all agree on.