Former neurosurgeon and Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson called out the Black Lives Matter movement saying its anger is directed at the "wrong targets."

He noted that the target, which is aimed at ending racial injustices in the criminal justice system, needs to redefine its priorities if it intends to bring about change, according to an article he wrote for USA Today.

He cited an incident that happened last month when a group of Black Lives Matter activists interrupted Bernie Sanders at an event before taking over the podium:

"The idea that disrupting and protesting Bernie Sanders speeches will change what is wrong in America is lunacy. The 'BlackLivesMatter' movement is focused on the wrong targets, to the detriment of blacks who would like to see real change," he wrote.

While he does admit that the protesters' anger over "racial profiling issues" is justified, he took issue with the movement's targets, according to CNN.

"Unjust treatment from police did not fill our inner cities with people who face growing hopelessness," he said.

Carson instead called on the social justice movement to take on targets which he viewed as true detriments to black people in America: school boards, the entertainment industry, city halls, crack houses, as well as both the Democractic and Republican parties in Washington, according to The Blaze.

For example, he mentions that the school boards are held hostage by teacher unions who are more interested in lining their pockets, than educating black youth. He asserts that while bullets may kill one or two children at a time, a lack of education can kill an entire generation.

"There are many things to be angry about when you are consumed by hopelessness. Bernie Sanders isn't one of them," Carson concluded.

A strong example of the misdirection he notes about Black Lives Matter was seen during a Minnesota rally Saturday, where protesters used language that could easily be interpreted as encouraging violence towards police.