A leader with the New Black Panther Party was captured on a short video clip two weeks ago chanting anti-law enforcement rhetoric, armed and leading his group to rally. Shouting through a megaphone outside the Waller County Jail, the leader, appearing to be the rank of colonel according to Breibart, shouted ""The revolution is on... Off the pigs," and "Oink Oink... Bang Bang."

He continued to issue threats, saying, "You're gonna stop doing what you're doing, or we will start creeping upon you in the darkness. The pigs are going to get scared," and finally, "The pigs are going to get dead," according to VDARE. The rally was held outside the Waller County Jail, with some members carrying guns as they chanted their message. It lasted two hours and had roughly 25 attendees.

Harris County riot response team were present at the rally, no one was arrested, according to the Daily News.

Over the weekend, Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth was shot and killed execution style as he pumped gas in his patrol car. The assailant had snuck up behind him and shot him. Shannon Miles has been arrested and is being held on a capital murder charge over the death of Deputy Goforth. There is no evidence that the two events are related.

The protest was over the death of Sandra Bland, who had hung herself in her jail cell, just three days after her arrest in July. The group was also protesting other crimes against black people.

The protest was nonviolent, despite the presence of weapons.