Earlier this week "The Big Bang Theory" actress Mayim Bialik spoke out about her religious views. Bialik ignited an online firestorm when she told Fox 411 that being religious in Hollywood was "not trendy." After the actress was bombarded with both negative and supportive comments, the actress took to her website to explain her views and comments.

Bialik decided to dive deeper into the issue with a lengthy blog post on her website GrokNation.com. "They asked me if I thought that religiosity will shift in my industry, and the answer was basically no; it's never going to be some trend that being religiously observant is the hip and happening thing to be. And that's ok," she wrote.

The actress went on to explain that she got a lot of questions about being religious in the world of science. Bialik went on to make three points on the subject. Her first point was that the Torah was not a science book. Her second point was that "everything is Divine" and her final point was, "my appreciation for science adds to my religious faith and vice versa," reported People magazine.

"God's got it figured out. The Universe has it all figured out. We're just trying to catch up. And that catching up is what we call our existence. And you know what? Everything is awesome," the actress finished.