Marcy Borders, the woman in the iconic photo that was taken during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, has died of stomach cancer at the age of 42.

A member of the Borders family announced her death Tuesday on Facebook. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer at the age of 41 in August 2014 and had been going through several treatments, according to New Jersey Online.

Borders became known as the "dust lady" from the 9/11 photo, which was taken by Agence France-Presse photographer Stan Honda, according to The Huffington Post. The photo shows her covered in ash and staring in bewilderment after the WTC's south tower had collapsed

Borders worked as a legal assistant for Bank of America, which had an office on the 81st floor of 1 World Trade Center. On Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the twin towers with a pair of commercial airplanes.

Borders, who was 28 at that time, made her way down the stairwell all the way to the street and managed to step on the sidewalk moments before the south tower started to fall.

A stranger dragged her into the lobby of a neighboring building as the other tower started to stumble, and that was when Honda took the now iconic photograph, the New York Daily News reported.