Shonda Rhimes is typically known for giving us some of ABC's most popular, and rather serious, drama shows on TV, and now she's producing something a little different than what we're used to: a comedy.

Rhimes and Betsy Beers' production company, Shondaland, are teaming up with the creators of "Trophy Wife," Emily Halpern and Sarah Haskins, to create a half-hour comedy on ABC, according to The Hollywood Reporter. "Spitsville" will be about a group of "single residents of a suburban cul-de-sac, who in the wake of a wave of divorces join forces to raise their kids and get through it together."

Halpern and Haskins will be writing and executive producing alongside Rhimes and Beers. It seems unusual for Rhimes to be involved in a comedy, but apparently she's attempted this in the past. 

"We can definitely make it work," Beers told Entertainment Weekly. "I started my career in comedy and Shonda also wrote comedies and started when she was a screenwriter. We're really, really looking forward to the prospect of having one on a network sometime soon."

Shondaland has given the network huge shows like "Scandal," "Grey's Anatomy," "Private Practice" and "How to Get Away with Murder," according to the New York Daily News. Based on their popularity, "Spitsville" is bound to grab people's attention just from the production alone.