A recent poll published on Wednesday shows that more than half of American voters believe the emails of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton should be subjected to a criminal investigation.

Respondents were asked: "Do you think Hillary Clinton's emails should be subject to a criminal investigation for potential release of classified material, or not?"

Fifty-two percent of the voters believe that Clinton's emails should be subjected to a criminal investigation while 41 percent say it's not necessary, according to a Monmouth University poll.

The poll also says that 82 percent of Republicans and 54 percent of Independents supported an investigation while 66 percent of Democrats opposed it.

Furthermore, the poll also reveals that over half (51 percent) of the voters that Clinton's use of her private email during her time as Secretary of State was a matter of convenience while 38 percent believe that this behavior implies that she has something to hide. Most Democrats (80 percent) believe it's the former whereas most Republicans (68 percent) think it's the latter.

The Independent voters, on the other hand, were split, with 48 percent saying it was out of convenience while 41 percent say she might be hiding something.

The survey was conducted on July 21 to Aug. 2, a few days before Clinton's camp announced that they would turn over her server to the Justice Department as part of the attempt to dampen a growing inquiry into her emails, according to CNN.