The Doctor may not have a plan as he touches down in the upcoming season of "Doctor Who," but he does have the full faith of his traveling companion Clara Oswald.

"He hasn't got a plan yet," Clara (Jenna Coleman) says in the latest trailer for "Doctor Who" season nine. "But he will have and it will be spectacular."

Peter Capaldi steps back into the TARDIS for his second season as the titular Doctor and he has a lot coming at him. In addition to familiar enemies Daleks, Zygons and Daleks, the trailer also reveals some strange reptilian beasts and a scary robotic army.

But the good Doctor doesn't seem too worried about any of this.

"I'm the Doctor. And I save people," he declares. "Here. Now. This is where your story ends."

Maisie Williams, whose character is still unknown, also makes more of an appearance in the promo and Missy (Michelle Gomez) returns to further torment her arch nemesis.

See the whole trailer below and catch the "Doctor Who" premiere on Saturday, Sept. 19 on BBC America.