An NSA document has revealed that cyberspies working for China have been reading the private emails of "top national security and trade officials" since 2010. Many high-level people within the Obama administration have had their email compromised by cyber hackers, according to Business Insider.

The hacking was first detected by the NSA in April 2010. The email hacking was still ongoing at the time of the NSA report, according to NBC. At least 600 targets have been hit by the hackers in the past five years. Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, during the time of the hacking. However, no specific targets of the cyberhacking have been revealed by the NSA. Clinton's private email server is being investigated by the FBI.  

The email hacking, codenamed "Dancing Panda," included the spreading of malware. The malware allows hackers to cyberattack email accounts and take information from them. Google was one of the email providers targeted in the attack, according to The Telegraph. It's not known at this time how much information the spies obtained, or from which email accounts they used to get it.