Jon Stewart's return on the "Daily Show" attracted over 2 million viewers, which is the second highest number trailing President Barack Obama's appearance on the show as a guest in October 2008.

Many of us missed our longtime show host Jon Stewart, but do you know how many? Now that is an astounding number, more than 2 million. That's right! Over two million viewers tuned in to Comedy Central's most popular "The Daily Show"  Tuesday, when the dearly loved host returned to take his seat behind the anchor table after a 12-week summer break.

"I've missed you so much. You don't know what it's like in the real world. Nobody applauds every stupid (expletive) thing that you do," he said to the audience on his return. And the audience had an amazing way to tell him "we missed you too." They put on their TV sets and watched the lively host perform at his fullest, as usual.

The Tuesday night's episode of "The Daily Show" set a record of garnering Stewart's second-best number. The biggest audience Stewart hosted ever was in October 2008, when then-Presidential candidate, Barack Obama, appeared as a guest. The show clocked a whopping 3.6 million viewers. Obama's second visit in 2010 was also a record-setter and was the first time the show welcomed a sitting president. At that time, 2.8 million viewers tuned in to the show.

The return of the show's senior host improved the year-to-date average with Stewart-hosted episodes by 24 percent. The Tuesday's episode attracted 640,000 viewers aged between 18 and 34 years, which is the show's target audience. Before Stewart went on his summer break to direct his first film, Rosewater, the show averaged 1.415 million viewers, according to Deadline Hollywood.