With the highly anticipated film adaptation set to be released next year, "Veronica Mars" actress Kristen Bell recently teased to the Huffington Post about at least one very special guest appearance.

"I would say, oh God, I don't know," Bell told the Huffington Post in a phone interview when asked which cameo was her favorite. "You know what? I know who I'd say and I can't say that person because they're not released yet."

So far, stars like James Franco, Jamie Lee Curtis, Justin Long and Jerry O'Connell have all been confirmed to appear in the cast of the new movie, though there will certainly be some surprises in store that Bell can't reveal yet to fans.

"I would get killed if I did [reveal names], but there's someone in the beginning of the movie," Bell told HuffPost. "And you'll know who I mean - there's someone in the first five minutes of the movie who I think is the coolest cameo ever."

After a successful Kickstarter campaign by series creator Rob Thomas that raised almost $6 million to fund the film version of the canceled show, fans will be able to watch Veronica Mars return to the screen, and this time in a bigger, badder way than ever. However, the movie won't be the end of the story, as following the film's release, Thomas will write a two-part book series, and Bell added that the adventures of the characters could continue even after that, possibly via Netflix.

"There are some loopholes that we are already investigating," Bell told CNN at Comic-Con this summer.

The film adaptation of "Veronica Mars" will begin in Mars's hometown of Neptune, Calif., where she will return for a high school reunion, now that she is a lawyer living in New York City. Fans are speculating that the film will address the cliffhanger at the end of season 3 where the show last left off, though details about the film's story so far are being kept under wraps.

"No steps have been taken to actually figure it out. I think we're going to wait to see how the movie does and wait to go from there," Bell said to HuffPost, adding that though there will be an end to the movie, fans will be left wanting more. "[Thomas] doesn't have the ability to write a real conclusion or an ending."

Click here to read Kristen Bell's full interview with Huffington Post on the "Veronica Mars" movie.