It is indeed amazing how two different animals could live together and be close to each other. They can even help each other when one is in trouble and could even be there to make sure the other one is okay. That is true, not just for adult animals, but even for babies, too.

A baby badger and a baby fox were alone and very young. Instead of being humanized or imprinted, they were brought together. The video is a throwback when the two animals were still babies and were small and fluffy.

Back in the spring, they were both lonely and found comfort from each other. Fox and badger cubs need warmth when they are young. Hence, they were put together since both of them do not have a family.

"We don't like crossing species, but its better that an animal is with another animal than risk them being humanized or imprinted. Hence why we decided to put them together, until we had more orphans to pair them with," Wildlife Aid said in the YouTube video's description.

Good thing that the two got along really well and would even sleep tucked up together! So adorable!