Nina Nesbitt is HNGN's Woman Crush Wednesday selection for Aug. 5 for her hot body that goes along with her great singing voice.

The singer is currently on a musical hiatus, but we can only imagine what great tune she will come up with next.

"Currently in musical hermitization. Back soon...," the celebrity's Twitter profile says.

You might remember the vocalist's 2013 hit, "Way In the World," according to her website. She also had "Selfies" in December of the pivotal year, and 2014's "Don't Stop," "Hold On", "The Hardest Part," and "Stay Out," according to Amazon.

These songs and others are featured on Nesbitt's  first album, "Peroxide," which was released on Feb. 25, 2014.

More recently, the singer released the song "Trousers" in April 2015.

Nesbitt rose to fame thanks to music artist Ed Sheeran recognizing her at 16 years old, according to Inquisitir.

Click here for previous HNGN Woman Crush Wednesday selections.