Perhaps because it is initially part of a strategy that will pave the way for the Fallout 4 game launch on Nov. 10, the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition is reportedly no longer available after being sold out barely a month from its release. It is so widely popular that Bethesda Softworks - its maker - declared that the company could no longer make it, as its facility had exhausted its capacity, Game Politics reported.

"We reached a point where we'd go back to the factories and they were like, 'guys, this is it, sorry,'" Peter Hines of Bethesda Softworks told GameSpot.

So what exactly is all the fuss? The collector's edition "Pipboy" looked like some analog device that is way out of sync with today's tech reality, which - for its part - is obsessed with the sleek, the portable and the high-technology in consumer gadgets. The actual Pipboy device, which is worn in the forearm, is humongous, made of plastic and will definitely not win any design award. It would be strange and laughable even to consider it a wearable device today.

Pipboy is special, however, for serious gamers especially the Fallout game series fans because it was the real-life replica of the Pipboy device found in-game. In the Fallout universe, the device is a pre-war electronic Personal Information Processor that "acts as a database for the player character's personal information and inventory," Fallout Wiki explained. So in a way, Bethesda - through Pipboy - is bringing the game to life.

The new Fallout 4, which was announced before the E3 2015, is expected to take gamers to a new level, with the sheer breadth and scope that the game has taken, immersing consumers with complex and diverse things to do, making it hard to pigeon-hole the game down to being just one thing, according to the Examiner.

Officials from Bethesda Softworks would no longer comment whether Pipboy production will continue. However, considering the length of time that consumers have to wait in order to buy Fallout 4, the company has released the Fallout Anthology for PC users in the meantime. It is a compendium of Fallout's previous releases.