After planning a rally a month ago, the Ku Klux Klan has raised their stand at the South Carolina Statehouse on Saturday. This rally was held in response to the removal of the Confederate flag from the capitol one week ago.

Around 2,000 people joined the KKK rally held at the South Carolina Statehouse in Columbia. During the day, the Loyal White Knights of the KKK, who declare themselves to be the biggest chapter in the United States, was joined by the New Black Panther Party resulting to two conflicting groups promoting their advocacies. In the middle of the protest, a Confederate flag was torn apart, CNN reported.

The state police tried to put themselves in between the protesters to avoid them from harming each other, but it was futile. Some protesters threw bottles, but no one was injured. Five were arrested and at least seven required medical treatment during the day for heat stoke and other ailments. One of the arrests was for assault, and the other four were for disorderly conduct and breach of peace, according to USA Today.

It was a very hot day resulting in many people asking for assistance during the protest. One of the protesters, a man wearing a swastika shirt, was suffering from heat stroke. Leroy Smith, a black police chief from the S.C. Dept. of Safety did not hesitate to help the ill man. Their photo circulated all over the internet and has garnered a lot of positive attention. (SEE THE PHOTO HERE)

The removal of the Confederate flag became a hot issue when Dylann Roof, who carried out the murder of nine black people in a Charleston church, posted photos of himself posing with the flag. The Ku Klux Klan has denied all allegations connecting them to the boy or his murderous rampage, NBC News reported.

To read more about the KK's recent activities and protests regarding the Confederate flag, CLICK HERE. Be sure to check out "Related Articles" below for even more coverage.