Plane crash survivor Autumn Veatch was found alive two days after the plane she was in dropped off the radar near Omak, Wash., on Saturday afternoon that took off from Kalispell, Mont. The teenager had walked for two days in a forest before being found.

Veatch was with her step-grandparents, Leland and Sharon Bowman, traveling on a Beech A-35 which is believed to have crashed into a mountain on Saturday after emerging from clouds. Their fate is unknown, but it is believed they may have died, according to International Business Times.

Veatch reportedly spent a day by the plane waiting for rescue, unable to pull the Bowmans from the wreckage. She then decided to try and find help on her own by following a river until she found a trail that led her to a highway where she was found by a motorist, according to the Examiner.

The motorist took her to a general store in Mazama, the nearest community, where staff contacted the authorities. From there she was taken to Three Rivers Hospital in Brewster with only minor injuries, including suffering from dehydration and exposure to the elements, according to The Independent.

The Bowmans' crashed plane has yet to be found by authorities, despite the information Veatch provided them to help narrow down the search area. The search has been made difficult due to features on the terrain such as rocks and trees.