While Ron Holan was driving through the mountains of Norway, a bird passed by his window shield. When he stopped to take a picture of the beautiful scenery, he heard a scratching sound from his car and spotted a bird on its roof, The Dodo reported.

Holan was surprised to see the bird wedged between his roof and his cargo box. He then realized that the bird had been there for a long time, since he already travelled several miles. The tiny bird was trapped with the cold wind rushing to it.

Hence, Holan rescued the bird at once by slowly pulling him out of the small gap. Obviously, the bird was freezing cold, since his little feathers were shaking. Holan quickly took him inside his car and wrapped it with his own sweater to warm him up. After awhile, the bird started to stand and showed signs that it would like to fly out of the car. So, Holan set him free, and the bird flew back to the mountains.

It only took a few minutes for Holan to rescue the bird, but the act has led to a magical little recovery. According to Holan, the sweet little rescue was "a great way to spend a birthday".

 "Before I opened the door and let the bird fly free, it pooped on my door," he said in the video description. "Maybe as a 'thank you', I don't know!"

The video received many positive comments wherein one said, "What a kind and caring human this man is.  There should be billions more like him."