Kid Rock has some words for a group of protesters who recently demonstrated against his use of the Confederate flag during his concerts. "Kiss my ass," the singer says.

Members of the National Action Network, which is associated with Rev. Al Sharpton, made their message heard in front of the Detroit Historical Museum on Monday. The museum has an exhibit on Kid Rock, and the group is calling for the museum to take it down.

"Please tell the people who are protesting to kiss my ass," Rock said in a statement to Fox News' Megyn Kelly.

After explaining the issue, Kelly says of Kid Rock, "He has shared with us a message for those who are demanding that he denounce the Confederate flag, and this is a quote, he said... 'Please tell the people who are protesting to 'Kiss my...''" Rather than say "ass" live on-air, Kelly subbed in "...ask me some questions," explaining, "I modified that for cable TV," E! News reported.

Kid Rock defended the Confederate flag as recently as 2011, standing by his decision to sing in front of it at various concerts and festivals, according to Us Weekly