Iran's request to end current U.N. sanctions in the development of ballistic missiles and a broader arms embargo has been rejected by the West.

A western official relayed Iran's sentiments in a statement to Reuters. "The Iranians want the ballistic missile sanctions lifted. They say there is no reason to connect it with the nuclear issue, a view that is difficult to accept," he said, adding "There's no appetite for that on our part."

The request to the end the implementation of an arms embargo has delayed agreements between Iran and the West. The foreign ministers of six nations – Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States, met on Monday to strike a deal with Iran, but were unsuccessful.

As a result of the failure to meet an agreement due to Iran's request, the deadline for the deal has been moved from June 30 to July 7, reports The Daily Caller.

An Iranian official has described the terms that the West are demanding. "The Western side insists that not only should it (Iran's ballistic missile program) remain under sanctions, but that Iran should suspend its program as well," the official said.

"But Iran is insisting on its rights and says all the sanctions, including on the ballistic missiles, should be lifted when the U.N. sanctions are lifted," the official added.

The deal between Iran and the West is aimed at limiting Tehran's nuclear work, in exchange for lifting sanctions that have targeted the country's oil exports, thereby crippling its economy, according to Al Jazeera. While the West fears that Iran's nuclear program is aimed at weapons development at its core, Iran has been adamant in stating that the program's aims are peaceful.