Stephen Colbert's "Late Show" does not premiere until September, but that didn't stop him from celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court landmark ruling on same-sex marriage and mocking Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who opposed the decision, reported E!.

On Friday, five out of nine justices ruled in favor of gay marriage, allowing same-sex couples to legally marry in all 50 U.S. states.

"History moves fast. It's hard to believe that gay Americans achieved full Constitutional personhood just five years after corporations did," the new "Late Show" host jokes in the video, uploaded on the show's YouTube channel.

Colbert then turned his attention to the Supreme Court justices who dissented in the ruling.

"My condolences to gays with commitment issues or asking their partner 'if we can just please talk about this when I get home from work today.' Also unhappy, four of the five Supreme Court justices. I'll let you guess which ones. Here's a hint," the talk-show host said before doing an impression of the four judges.

Colbert then goes on to mock one of them in particular, Scalia, who mentioned in his disagreement that he "would hide [his] head in a bag" if he ever supported an opinion like Justice Kennedy's majority decision, according to Time.

"I could've sworn he was already hiding his head in a flesh-toned cinch sack," Colbert said, before inviting Scalia on his new show: "Please come on my show, sir."

Colbert makes his debut on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert," which premieres on CBS on Sept. 8.