In light of the shootings in South Carolina, it should be little surprise that racism is still a major issue in the U.S. It also shouldn't be surprising that in a country that has a state where the Confederate Flag is still outside its Capitol Building that there are people that support the admitted shooter, Dylann Storm Roof.

However, what is surprising is that someone would be dumb enough to express that support on Facebook.

Kurtis Cook, a  firefighter, lost his volunteer position with the Mabank, Texas fire department for sympathizing with Roof, the perpetrator behind the Charleston massacre, according to The Huffington Post.

His Facebook post, referring to Roof, states: " [Dylann Storm Roof] needs to be praised for the good deed he has done," according to the New York Daily News.

The comment was left on the Facebook page of a South Carolina newspaper on Thursday, according to local NBC station KETK, which also got a screenshot of the aforementioned post.

This statement led to an internal investigation that eventually got him fired a day a later, fire officials announced.

CBS19 confirmed that when the department leaders confronted Cook, he did not deny the post he made. Furthermore he stated that "He isn't a racist."