North Korea is well known for making outrageous claims. Like discovering unicorns or the photos showing Kim Jong Un at the top of Mount Paekdu, which would lead one to believe that he climbed to the top wearing dress shoes. These claims are only matched by the claim his father, Kim Jong Il, made claiming that he hit five holes-in-one the first time he ever played golf.

However, on Friday the most outrageous claim yet came from the country: a North Korean pharmaceutical company trumped global science and came up with a vaccine for MERS.

MERS is short for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. It's a viral respiratory illness that is relatively new to humans. First reported in 2012 in Saudi Arabia, it has spread to other countries. Those infected with the virus develop fevers, start coughing and have shortness of breath. Many of those infected with the virus have died.

The official Korean Central News Agency, not known for being reputable, announced that the Pugang Pharmaceutical Company had developed "Kumdang - 2," a vaccine made from extracts from ginseng grown in rare earth elements.

Apparently the injection is "highly effective in preventing and curing the MERS virus and other contagious diseases," the news company said. All you have to do is take one or two ampoules on the first day and then gradually increase the dosage. After two days of injections, most people will "feel strong, refreshed and happy."

To top it all off, this drug isn't limited to treating MERS either. It can cure other illnesses such as chilblains, diabetes and impotence and even "spontaneous gangrene"!

Sounds legit.