Ciara showed off her awesome curves and perfect butt on Instagram while she vacationed in an undisclosed place this past weekend.

"Soaking It All In... #BestVacation," the singer said in a post on her Instagram account.

"The flab is a little different to be very honest," Ciara told E! Online about her workout regime that keeps her fit.

Ciara, an Atlanta native recently talked about the amount of work required to keep herself beautiful to E! Online.

"I gotta recondition my mind. It's a lot," Ciara said. "It's even more of a mental challenge; it's not just the physical part. You got to commit to it."

"You're still defying gravity. Every day you're making Isaac Newton a liar," Ciara's trainer Gunnar Peterson has said to E! Online.

Ciara's latest hit, "I Bet" is available on her album, "Jackie."