If the past few weeks of “Pretty Little Liars” has been anything, it’s been revealing. Here’s a fast recap what we have found out since Episode 7:

--“A” is attacking the Liars one-by-one as usual, his most recent attack being on Emily as he he/she/they drove a car through the front of her house. This forces Emily and her mother to move to a motel. From the motel Emily and her mother are invited to stay with Mrs. DiLaurentis.

--Toby is getting more information on his mother from Dr. Palmer. He finds out that his mother was warned by Palmer—who is mentally ill—of a blonde girl. After Toby and Spencer create a scenario for Palmer to remember Toby’s mother—he reveals the girl is Ali. Later, we find out the girl is actually Cece pretending to be Ali.

--Mona has confessed to Wilden’s murder. Why? No one knows. However, once she is sent back to Radley, it looks like she meant to return.

--Wren was always a jerk for what he did to the Hastings girls. Well, it seems he’s even more of a jerk—a team “A” jerk. (Of course Mona always knew.) Wren tricks Mrs. Hastings into confronting Mona about her alleged alternative motives for confessing and, as Wren planned it, she’s thrown off the case for intimidation.

--After A pretends to be Mike and bashes Mike’s teammate’s car, Mike starts to take defensive classes with Jake. This forces Aria and Jake to re-explore their relationship and it seems they like what they’ve found.

--Maggie is trying to take Malcolm to the Seattle, something that Ezra isn’t too happy about. So, after getting advice from Mrs. Hastings, he decides to prove Malcom’s paternity. To his surprise….Malcolm isn’t his. Maggie reveals she had a drunken one-night stand.

--The Liars force Shana and Jenna to show up to a surprise party for Emily to find out what they know. Unfortunately for Jenna, she ends up in the lake and almost drowns to death.

--So who’s Red Coat? Each episode it’s looking more and more like—Cece Drake. It appears Cece actually hated the liars, all of them. We also find out that she and Ali were a lot closer that we thought. In fact, according to Mrs. DiLaurentis, the two of them used to don each other’s personalities. (Creepy.)

--in the last scene of Episode 10, we find out that someone has been living in the DiLaurentis basement. (Cece? Or maybe Ali?)

Jannel Parish already told us we’re going to find out who Red Coat is before the season ends so it looks like we won’t have to wait too long before we get an answer to the biggest question of the season.