More than 36,000 signatures were gathered on a petition in the U.K. to ban ear piercing for babies and toddlers.

Susan Ingram started the movement on the website 38 Degrees, which asks Edward Timpson, the U.K.'s minister for children, to set an age requirement for ear piercing. The petition also seeks to make ear piercing illegal for parents of babies and toddlers, reported the Irish Examiner.

"It is a form of child cruelty," wrote Ingram in the petition. "Severe pain and fear is inflicted upon infants unnecessarily. It serves no purpose other than to satisfy the parents' vanity. Other forms of physically harming children are illegal—this should be no different."

The supporters of the petition agreed that childhood ear piercing is abusive, vain and unnecessary.

"It is child abuse, pure and simple," wrote one supporter on the website. "If anyone put a piercing implement in any other part of a baby's body, arrest and prosecution should follow."

Meanwhile, there are others who find the controversy ridiculous.

"My goodness, one of the stupidest petitions I have ever seen," commented one person. "In South America, all baby girls have their ears pierced as soon as they are born, always in the hospital and by a nurse. I wonder how many have died or have suffered mental health problems as a result?"

If the piercing is performed in a sterile environment and is cared for, there is little risk, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. But per the AAP's recommendation, it is best to wait until a child is old enough to ask for ear piercings and to be responsible enough to care for their pierced ears.