A new study was able to prove that plants can tell time after years of proving for this unique ability. With this latest report, it was also claimed that the main factor that contributed to this was the process of a subtle chemical event in the plants.

According to the said research, this chemical process which takes place in the cells of each plant every single second also facilitates the production of flowers and metabolizing nutrients. Apart from proving plants' ability to tell the time, farmers can also benefit from the study by growing crops under climates and weathers where they can't grow originally.

Phys Org reported that the group of chemists who conducted the study also said that through the study, they were able to check the chemistry which allows the plants to keep their so-called 24-hour rhythm. Moreover, it was also discovered that this rhythm is also synchronized with their environment.

Besides, the researchers were able to determine how the chemical bolts work in the plants. According to them, plants have cells which signal them when to bloom, store energy, metabolize, and some other vital functions. They were also able to study the rate in which a plant reacts to sunlight or to the blue light.

With the latest discovery based on the result of the study, Gizmodo reported that people started to get amazed with how other organisms react to their environment in ways people don't expect. This will not only serve as a simple discovery but a milestone in the field of science and research.

The chemists initiated the study by charting the crystal structure of a plant protein which functions to gauge the intensity of sunlight the plants can receive. This protein now paved way for a particular process and formation of the plants. As a result, plants can track the time of the day by receiving signals when to bloom and metabolize.

In conclusion, plants do not only play an important role in the oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle. More than this, the study was able to solve the mystery that the plants can tell time too.