Servers down! Xbox is down! Xbox not working! shouts continue to inundate tech newssites monitoring the problematic Xbox Live since toward the weekend. And it would seem Microsoft's game console isn't yet firmly fixed as of Sunday. The official site of Xbox does not talk about glitches that Xbox Live has been experiencing as complained by gamers.

Besides the usual complaint over about a down server, gamers also reported about sign-in and upload issues, error code 0x87dd0017, lockdown, constant lag, connect and crash issues. There are also cries that it won't work after an update, or about issue with the dashboard or browsers.  More bugs were reported. These would only mean one thing: Xbox Live on its latest update isn't yet flawlessly running.

On Microsoft own backyard, on its official site, the latest on Sunday was about the error codes and one gamer icefreak0104 complained he could not put in his Xbox gold membership despite that he has still a running membership since December 25. Still another said he is getting errors all the time. Also, a gamer griped over that Xbox kept on telling him there is an error code 0x0 at Xbox/errorsupport and he had no idea how to deal with the issue. The official site, like any other, has support link complete with instructions for repairs and updates but there is no administrator or tech assistant answering to the gamers' complaints on the forum.

Meanwhile, in Australia, Xbox Live has been making more money from games by introducing a reward system where gamers are given credits in their accounts when they reached a threshold of scores in their purchases in Xbox Store or Windows Store. It is still available in Australia and Microsoft has not yet announced plans for other regions. How this information continue while glitches are happening is an intriguing question for this online multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery platform. Maybe Microsoft, which had changed gaming, has a lot of explaining to do¸ many gamers asked.

(Yo Flux/YouTube)