Last year, Casey Anthony, known to many as "Tot Mom" or "the most hated woman in America," was seen in New York being courted by NBC, according to TMZ, but Anthony has reportedly not made a decision to tell her story. So will 2016 be the year that Anthony goes on TV to talk about the murder of her daughter, a crime for which she was charged and acquitted, much to the ire of the public-at-large?

Despite having been seen in New York with top NBC executives and bookers, a top executive told New York Daily News in the summer of 2015, "There are no plans to do an interview or anything else with Casey Anthony." But maybe that will change since Anthony has now stepped out into the big world and started a photography business, as HNGN previously reported. Case Photography LLC. might face a tough start considering there are groups already planning to bombard the business owner with pictures of Caylee, bad reviews and other colorful declarations of an anti-Anthony war cry on a Facebook page purportedly belonging to Anthony's new business.

Anthony had filed for bankruptcy in 2013, but actually paid $25,000 to the bankruptcy estate just to avoid selling her story, according to a 2013 New York Daily News article. However, if the rumors are true and "Tot Mom" is pregnant, as HNGN recently reported, she might need to go on the offensive.

Would that work? Would an interview help Anthony or just cause more outrage? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below and tell us what you think.