Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
(Photo : Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

With crime rates continuing to rise, it's never been more vital to ensure that your house is safe and secure. It's important to take the necessary steps to protect your home, as doing so can provide peace of mind and a greater sense of security.

While it may be tempting to just start buying everything people on social media say is essential, you are better off listening to what real security experts say gives the best value to enhance security. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can protect your home from intruders, ranging from installing top-of-the-line alarm systems to simple DIY projects such as reinforcing doors and windows. 

According to security experts, the most effective home security systems begin with layered defense. Layered defense requires multiple layers of protection that work together to protect your home. Here are the layers of security experts recommend.


This one may seem obvious, but it's worth repeating: lock your doors and windows with high quality locks. It is essential to have reliable locks on all external doors and windows, as this is the first line of defense against potential intruders. Invest in high-quality locks that provide extra security and use them consistently to keep your home safe.  Locked doors and windows are a strong deterrent to opportunistic thieves who will pivot to look for an easier target.


Security lighting is another layer of home security that can prove to be very effective. Installing motion-detecting lights in dark areas around your property will deter criminals who may try to move unnoticed in the dark. Not only do they provide a sense of comfort and safety, but they also alert you when someone or something is nearby. With LED security lighting technology,  you can also improve the overall look of your property while ensuring greater visibility.  Criminals don't want to get caught.  They are less likely to target a home where neighbors can see them.

Security Cameras

Security cameras are a great way to deter and detect any suspicious behavior around your property. Not only do they serve as a deterrent, but they also provide valuable evidence if an incident occurs on your property. High-definition cameras can capture crystal clear images that can be used to identify suspects in the event of a crime. With wireless cameras being increasingly affordable, setting up a security camera system around your home has never been easier.


An alarm system provides an extra layer of security to your home. Alarms can be set up on door and window sensors that are triggered when someone attempts to enter your home without permission. Alarm systems not only give you peace of mind, but also alert the police in case of a break-in. In addition, alarms can also be set off by smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide detectors which can be lifesavers in the event of an emergency.

Home Security Systems

Many homeowners are choosing to invest in home security systems to help them guard against potential burglaries or intrusions. These systems range from basic alarm systems which sound an alert if an intruder is detected, to more sophisticated systems which can monitor your home and send alerts to your phone or email. Additionally, many security systems come with the option of integrating smart sensors and cameras, providing a comprehensive system which can be monitored remotely.


Getting a dog is not for everyone.  You should not consider getting a dog unless you are prepared to offer it a loving home.  The great news for dog lovers out there is that dogs can make excellent security guards. Unlike alarm systems and cameras, they are mobile and attentive. They will bark when something or someone is approaching your property and alert you to potential threats. Even if they are generally friendly with strangers, their presence alone can be enough of a deterrent for criminals seeking an easy target. 

According to the FBI, homes without any security measures in place are three times more likely to be broken into than those with security systems. Therefore, it is important to take steps to protect your home and family by implementing layered defense strategies. Even one or two layers of security can mean the difference between becoming a victim or not.